Ijaza of Ottoman Calligraphy Art

On April 19, 2018, Hasan Celebi Hoca, a well-known international Arabic calligrapher, presented the "Izazah" (الإجازة) certificate for the Sules and Naskhs at the Barak Art Museum in Istanbul , Became the first calligrapher in China who was qualified to pass on Ottoman Arabic calligraphy art in Turkey.
2018年4月19日,国际著名阿拉伯文书法家哈桑·哲莱比(Hasan Celebi Hoca)在伊斯坦布尔的巴拉克美术馆颁发苏勒斯体和纳斯赫体“伊扎宰”(الإجازة)证书,成为中国首位在土耳其获得奥斯曼流派阿拉伯文书法艺术传承资格的书法家。